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Hello Friend!

Happy Saturday! I hope you had a good week. I have ben meaning to do this for the longest of time, that is connect with you and keep you informed through writing on a deeper level than I do with the wider group on instagram. I used to write a blog years ago before Jedi was born and I enjoyed it but after I had Jedi, my life changed in more ways than I could anticipate and five years on, I am still learning to fully embrace my new reality of parenting and motherhood (I'm sure most mums...and dads can relate👍🏾)

We (my husband, Jonathan and I), have done a 'few' changes no my website and offerings - I shall share more about them when next we 'chat' and on the home front, our family is preparing for some major life changes coming up in the months ahead. On the homeschooling front, things were really slow 3 weeks ago as I was struggling to prepare for our next series of learning while also preparing for a much anticipated time away to Portugal with some of my closest girl friends. I had an absolutely incredible time and feel like I am starting to get my groove back to get back into homeschooling (see som pics below!)

Meanwhile, I have been preparing some language, maths and geography materials to help Jedi learn some new concepts in upcoming lessons. I am sure they will be helpful to you and your children's learning as well, so, stay tuned for these. I will also be uploading some free printables on my website soon so keep an eye out for those too!

You can now purchase all of my printables from the shop section on my website at a cheaper price with no value added tax (VAT). whoop! whoop!!

I hope you have a lovely weekend wherever you are and whatever you do.

Millicent x

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