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About Us

Millicent Edet sitting and smiling

Meet Your Coach

Hi, my name is Millicent.

I am a qualified Montessori practitioner for children aged 0 to 6. I was a senior educator at a Montessori Nursery school for a year; prior to that, I have worked in Montessori and early years settings for about 11 years.


After graduating with a degree in electrical electronics engineering and landing a job as an electrical and service engineer, I thought my career path was sorted - that was until a decision to volunteer at a Christian organisation over the course of 2 years, where I worked with and supported young children between the ages of 0-7 changed my life. That experience ignited a passion for supporting young children's learning and ultimately inspired me to change careers. Over the next 10+ years, I devoted myself to continuous learning and professional training to be amply equipped in my new roles as Early Childhood Educator, Senior Educator as well as Manager and Mentor at various settings and nursery schools.


My experiences with children and their families helped me to realise and appreciate the role of parents as educators and the power of the home environment in supporting learning. Becoming a certified Montessori 0-6 teacher equipped me with the understanding and clarity, methodology and principles, as well as the confidence in helping parents prepare for learning in the home environment.


Since becoming a mum, my husband and I have been homeschooling our son, now four, at home - first as full-time working parents and now, for me, as a stay at home mum. Today, learning alongside my son and facilitating his learning while supporting and equipping parents and educators in establishing unique learning environments, is at the heart of what I do.


Welcome to Home Learning Studio.

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